Providing our community with a circular economy of seeds!
Library patrons are welcome to take up to THREE packets of seeds from the library, per person per visit.
Please bring your seeds to the circulation desk to “check them out” once you make your selections.
Donations of harvested or purchased and unused seeds are greatly appreciated to help keep our Seed Library thriving.
Give your donation of seeds to a library staff member and we’ll see that they go into the collection!
Using the Seed Library
Ready to get your hands dirty? Here’s how it works.
BORROW: Come by our collection (behind the computers!) or browse our collection online and submit a Seed Request Form.
GROW: Follow the planting instructions and have fun while you’re at it!
SAVE: To ensure that the seeds we offer through the library remain true-to-type and viable for future planting, please observe this seed saving guide to save your specific variety properly. When seed is mature, harvest, dry, and store it for use next season. Thank you!
RETURN: Please consider returning some of your saved seed to the library to be shared with the community again next season and maintain the vitality of our collection!
Contributing to the Seed Library
When you return or donate seeds, please label them with the following information:
1) variety name (common & Latin names, if available)
2) year harvested
3) your name
4) your phone and/or email
5) any other relevant info (ex., if seed was not originally obtained from our seed library, include a detailed description of the plant—where you got the seeds, planting conditions, growth habit, fruit/flowers, etc.)
- If you bring in seed from varieties obtained from outside of our seed library, please ensure that they are not hybrids. Hybrids will not grow true-to-type in future generations.
- If you suspect the seeds you saved for the library may have been cross-pollinated, diseased, etc., please let us know.
Library Resources
Non-Fiction Section
577 – Ecology
580 – Botany
595.78 – Butterflies
363.8 – Nutrition
613 – Diet